Letter #1

I first encountered the name Jackson Halpren - who I would come to learn was a second cousin on my mother's side - when leafing through old books at the cabin in downstate New York where my family occasionally spent the summer. There, stuck at the very back of a fraying copy of a mid-century account of the lost Roanoke colony, was a short letter - apparently never sent - from Jackson to someone designated only as 'S'.

"28 Apr
S -

Another year past. I only hope I can see you once again, before too long.

- Jackson"

That was not his wife's initial, so the identity of the intended recipient remains obscured for now.

I plan to post pictures or scans of the other documents I dig up in my research. This original note, the bit that started it all, is currently preserved under archival glass and there's no way to get a good picture.

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